Career Advice
Working with Invertebrates
Primary Schools & Primary School Students
For kids with a keen interest in bugs there are a few places you can start!
Join our Grub Club to gain access to exclusive events and resources about bugs!
Companies like Minibeast Wildlife and Bugs n Slugs deliver educational sessions on Aussie inverts in schools
Museums Victoria can run an online session teaching children all about bugs
Bugs About is based in NSW and offer an interactive experience covering things like the anatomy of bugs, life cycles and their importance
Insect Investigators document Australia’s unique biodiversity and inspire young scientists
High Schools & High School Students
Join your local amateur entomology society and other invert societies, such as the Entomological Society of New South Wales; the Entomological Society of Queensland or the Entomological Society of Victoria
Contact academics at universities directly for career advice
University Students
It can be hard to find opportunities in the entomology space when you’re starting out.
The University of Queensland has some advice on organisations to approach
For marine inverts you could look to join societies such as the Malacological Society of Australasia. The Australian Marine Sciences Association and Australian Coral Reef Society also offer memberships, but are not focused solely on inverts
You’re also welcome to reach out to us directly to let us know what advice you need about working in this space and we’ll see how we can help!