Diversity, Equity & Inclusion statement
We live and work on land that always was and always will be Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander land. We acknowledge that sovereignty was never ceded.
We are anti-racist and stand with Black people, Indigenous people, and People of Colour.
We know that gender is not binary, that love is love, and we stand with all members of the LGBTQAI+ community.
We are feminists, we fix systems, not people.
We fight for equity in accessibility.
We know that diversity is strength.
We are open to learning new ways to ensure inclusion.
Our Values
The following values and the behaviours we exhibit have been created by the staff and agreed upon by the board of the organisation. These values guide the behaviour of our interactions to our work and to each other. We embed these values in our organisational policies, our daily interactions internally and externally and in the performance of our work.
We behave with inquisitive interest by displaying an open-minded attitude to our own discoveries, unconventional thinking or situations of uncertainty.
We have the courage to hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards to “do the right thing.”
We acknowledge that we work on the lands of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Peoples and respect Indigenous science, culture, laws and continuous connection to country. We respect all life and the environment.
We have a philosophy to embrace variation in all its forms, recognising that strength comes from differences. We apply this philosophy in our scientific work and in our human interactions.
Collaboration: We work toward a common goal with others by communicating clearly, actively listening to others, engaging thoughtfully and taking responsibility for our part in any interaction so that the shared resources, knowledge and discoveries support our vision for Australian invertebrates.