Further Reading
Here are some of our team’s top picks for invertebrate-themed books.
Dive in to get to know more about our inverts!
Non Fiction

The Insect Crisis by Oliver Milman

Silent Earth by Dave Goulson

How to attract Butterflies to your garden by Densey Clyne

A photo guide to common cicadas of the Greater Sydney Region by Dr Nathan Emery

Australia's incredible insects by Jessa Thurman

The wasp and the orchid by Danielle Clode

A guide to land snails of Australia by John Stanisic, Darryl Potter and Lorelle Stanisic

100 Australian butterflies, bees, beetles and bugs by Georgia Angus

A World in a Shell: Snail Stories for a Time of Extinctions by Thom van Dooren

Spirals in Time: The Secret Life and Curious Afterlife of Seashells by Helen Scales
Field Guide - Spiders of Australia by Robert Whyte and Greg Anderson

Field Guide - Butterflies of Australia by Michael F Braby

Field Guide - Dragonflies of Australia by John Hawking and Gunther Theischinger

Field Guide - Stick and Leaf Insects of Australia by Paul D Brock and Jack W Hasenpusch
Cephalopods of Australia and Sub-Antarctic Territories by Amanda Reid
Australian Echinoderms by Maria Byrne and Timothy D O'Hara
Marine Decapod Crustacea by Gary CB Poore and Shane T Ahyong
Crabs - A Global Natural History by Peter J. F. Davie

Bugs Alive! A Guide to Keeping Australian Invertebrates by Alan Henderson, Deanna Henderson & Jessie Sinclair

Minibeasts – True rulers of our world and the key to our survival by Alan Henderson
Children’s Books
Where are all the Christmas beetles? by Suzanne Houghton

My little world by Julia Cooke and Marjorie Crosby-Fairall

Eyes on flies by Dr Bry the Fly Guy

A beetle is shy by Dianna Hutts Aston and Sylvia Long

First encyclopedia of Australian wildlife by Steve Parrish

The snail and the whale by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler

Rachel Carson and her book that the changed the world by Laurie Lawlor, illustrated by Laura Beingessner

Slim and Flash - The garden lizards by Katherine Morris (lots of invertebrates featured and alternative parenting strategies for mums! 😉)

Do not lick this book by Idan Ben-Barak and Julian Frost (not about invertebrates, but so good!)

Our bugs by Bronwyn Bancroft

Zoom the busy dragonfly by Michelle Coleman and Rohini Chakraborty

Big bug, little bug by Paul Stickland

First field guide to Australian insects and spiders by Steve Parish

Sharing a Shell by Julia Donaldson and Lydia Monks

Bijil Ba Wudhi Deberra - Bijil and Moths by Aunty Loraine Padgham
Ingenious Insects by Sarah Allen

Illumibugs by Barbara Taylor and Carnovsky

Game - Bug Bingo by Christine Berrie

Bonkers About Beetles by Owen Davey

The Book of Australian Minibeasts by Charles Hope

Invertebrates have no Backbone by Sarah Ridley

Unseen Worlds by Hélène Rajcak and Damien Laverdunt

Searching for Cicadas by Lesley Gibbes and Judy Watson

Wonderful Wasps by Katrina Germein

Saving the Lord Howe Island Stick Insect By Rohan Cleave

Incy-Wincy Spider by Igloo Books

There’s a Zoo in my Backyard by Deanna Henderson